Hi. I'm Rishab Bothra.

I'm a Final year student majoring in Information Technology at MNNIT, Allahabad. Experience in creating Artificial Intelligence application with Machine Learning and Deep Learning using python. Currently working on Energy consumption and Power demand in residential buildings.

Learn more about me.

Here's my Research work

Diabetes Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms

In this paper we have proposed a diabetes prediction model using Machine Learning algorithm for better classification prediction. We have tried different Machine Learning algorithms to find which gives the better accuracy of classification.

Here’s some project I made recently.

Stock Market Prediction BSESN-

In this project main aim was to create a hybrid model for stock price/performance prediction using numerical analysis of historical stock prices and sentimental analysis of new headlines. For Reference BSESN stock price dataset was taken from finance.yahoo.com.

Live Face Mask Detection

Considering the current situation i have tried to build an amazing Computer vision project using Deep Neural Network ( self build CNN Architecture). In this project we can detect LIVE whether the person is wearing mask or not. And the amazing part is we can also connect to some external camera for detection by modifying few lines of code.

Car Price Prediction

I have tried to create end to end Artifical Intelligence application with Machine Learning using python. The dataset used in this project was taken from Kaggle (link: https://www.kaggle.com/nehalbirla/vehicle-dataset-from-cardekho). Machine Learning Algorithm used to predict the price was RandomForestRegressor and to build up web-application Flask was used.

Digit Recognization

In this project we have tried to recognize handwritten digit (0 - 9). The dataset was imported from sklearn dataset library i.e mnist dataset. We built end to end LogisticRegression model to predict handwritten digit .

Diabetes Prediction

A simple Machine Learning project to predict the percentage of chance having Diabetes was created using Random Forest Algorithm. For web devlopment Flask was used.

Text Generator using GPT2

The project is simple we give input as a phrase or sentence or question and as an output we get a small essay generated by this application. Since by name we can understand it is a text generator application.